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Fasting Diets Intermittently May Lead To Diabetes Risk

Fasting Diets Intermittently Lead To Diabetes Risk

Intermittent Fasting can be classified into two categories such as whole-day fasting that involves regular one day 24-hour fast and the time-restricted feeding such as eating only during a certain period in a day i.e., fasting for eight hours and following the regular schedule for another eight hours. The 5:2 diet is famous in the UK. A physician's consultation is mandatory before taking intermittent fasting.

According to recent research findings, Fasting intermittently i.e. every other day will induce the high risk of diabetes by affecting the insulin hormone that regulates the glucose level in a human body. A reputed university in Brazil conducted the study on adult rats over a period of 3 months and come into a conclusion that a person might be subjected to health issues related to body weight and diabetes due to the damage of pancreas and insulin due to intermittent fasting diets as the above observations were identified in adult rats.

A global epidemic, Type-2 diabetes is caused if insulin levels are low in blood and it is also related to obesity. These would further lead to heart, kidney diseases and eye defects. Also, studies earlier suggested that short-term fasting can cause damage to the body, raises cancer risk and accelerates ageing due to the production of free radicals that are actually chemicals.

Sinc the study involved only adult rats, more research studies need to be done by human beings regarding this considering many major factors for the accurate effects of the Intermittent Fasting.

Fasting Diets Intermittently May Lead To Diabetes Risk